Friday, August 24, 2012

3 Years Down!

I am absolutely amazed that it has been almost a year since I have updated my blog.  This month marks 3 years since my cancer journey began and I had my first surgery. Since then I have had 3 surgeries, reconstruction, tattoos and my hair is back long again YAY!!!!   
I thought I would write and continue to write because I think that a cancer journey is one that even though you are physically healed and mentally and spiritually healed there is still a purpose in sharing your story with others.  Once you have cancer or any trial for that matter you never know who you might help or encourage that might be at the beginning of their journey.  
I have had the amazing privilege of being put in many situations and meeting some amazing people through my journey that I would have never met.  I have been able to help women through cancer, shave their heads, encourage them, laugh with them, cry with them and pray for them.  What a blessing this has been for me.
For some reason I was called to be an open book and for those that know me well I’m not much of an open book!  When woman start their journey and they are scared, I understand I have been there.  When they are overwhelmed with decisions I understand I have been there.  When they are afraid to die, I understand I have been there.  When they are sick and need help, I understand I have been there.  I can remember when I was diagnosed I really didn’t want to hear anyone else stories because I knew everyone is different and I knew I would have my own story!  In the last 3 years I have been able to listen to a lot of amazing hopeful stories, watch people go from sick to well and also people go from well to dying (which was super hard for me).  In ALL of this I have seen the Lord work in amazing ways through people and events that I can’t even begin to put into words.  
I know most of you know that I am an abstract artist and after my cancer I started Graced Canvas (sutton abstract art).  I sell my paintings and give ALL proceeds to cancer patients going through treatment that are financially struggling.  In this last year I have joined with a non profit here in town called Chemo Crew.  This Non-Profit is an amazing organization that seeks to provide hope and help to cancer patients and their families while going through treatment. We decided to join together because there was no need for us to do it separately when we could be that much more powerful in our community together.  We both have the same passion in helping people in this community and we combined the financial help with the care and the resources.  If you see me posting on my Facebook or my Graced Canvas Facebook page about Chemo Crew this is the non profit organization that Graced Canvas has partnered with.  I am a part of Chemo Crew just as I am with Graced Canvas but even better now.  I am super excited to see where the Lord takes this and through Him excited to see how He will grow this organization.  I will still be keeping Graced Canvas Facebook page and my website but all financials will be going through Chemo Crew where the board (me included) will decide how the money will financially help the individual or family that needs it. 
If you know someone that is going through cancer and treatment that needs help and support please contact us!
I have been blessed so much by all of you supporting me through my journey and supporting my passion in helping others.  I can’t thank you enough.  I will try and keep updated on my blog as time permits and you can always stay updated by my facebook page or website.
